The Cork Yoga Mat

The Annas Bunch

We are a loud and energetic family of six. Two boys, two girls and all the kids are two years apart. What were we thinking?!?!?

Fast forward to March 2021 when COVID hit. I was working mostly in person, then had to switch to this thing called ZOOM. I learned quickly that sitting at a desk for 6 to 8 hours a day was not helping me feel good at all. I pulled out my foam yoga mat and realized I needed something better. Something thicker. Something eco-friendly. And thus The Cork Yoga Mat was born.

Turns out that our kids enjoy yoga, too, which has helped our family to Breath, Relax and Let Go more often.

We take our mats when we go on trips and enjoy using them virtually anywhere because they are durable, thick, portable and make nearly any surface great for yoga.

We are just starting our small family business and look forward to the many places our mat will take us!